Beware at Construction zones
Construction zones are dangerous. Therefore remember the following driving tips to avoid sudden changes in plan and perhaps to save lives including your own!
- Stay Alert and Minimize Distractions. Dedicate your full attention to the roadway. Avoid changing the radio station, using a mobile phone, eating, or other distractions that can remove your concentration from the road. Keep Your Headlights On.
- Pay Attention to the Road. Pay attention to road signs and markings. Watch brake lights on vehicles ahead, watch traffic around you and be prepared to react.
- Merge into the Proper Lane. Merge well before you reach the lane closure and be aware that traffic patterns can change daily.
- Don't tailgate. Follow other vehicles at a safe distance and obey the Posted Speed Limit
- Road construction workers may be present just a few feet away. Be prepared to slow down further if conditions indicate the need.
- Change lanes only where road markings indicate, and only when traffic conditions permit. More importantly, follow instructions from flaggers when they are available.
- Expect the Unexpected. Workers, construction vehicles, or equipment may enter your lane without warning and other vehicles may slow, stop, or change lanes unexpectedly. Be Patient!